09 September 2011

Your questions answered....

A question received through email....

"I love to make homemade, whole grain bread for my family and I see that you make it too. But I can't seem to get my family to enjoy it because by the time it's finished it is like a brick. Any suggestions on how to take out the heaviness?"

It's quite simple actually to tame those heavy grains! Pre-soaking in vinegar, yogurt, buttermilk, lemon juice, etc. is the way to lesson the heaviness. Not to mention the agent chosen to soak the grains in pre-digests those harder proteins making it easy on our tummies and digestion system. I have a few recipes that would work nicely for this. This should cure the 'brick bread' woes all the way. The bread is so very much lighter and fluffier than any I've ever made. The links below are for a quick whole grain bread, and one for yeasted whole grain bread.

1 comment:

Simple Home said...

I've never made homemade bread, except for sweet breads. I know they're wonderful though. I've been enjoying your past few posts. I haven't been blogging much this summer, but will try to do better now that we're back to a regular school schedule too.
Have a great weekend!
