11 September 2013

Wordless Wednesday-well, almost!

They are so used to babies that I'm beginning to think they can't tell the difference! Saphira is treated and loved just as all my babies were!  She gets wrapped up in blankets 'baby style', dressed in baby clothes, sometimes fed with utensils, licks on the last of a sucker, even had a diaper on her because the kids said since it was raining outside they wouldn't need to take her out to.........,  and the other day one of my girls spotted a pacifier and wanted to give it to her.  What's next?  Feeding her milk from a bottle?

 This is during the day of her sleeping but even at night I will find her tucked under the blanket with a child and her head on the pillow right next to theirs!

My reaction to their kisses is always the same.....EWWWWW!

These two girls reminded me that they DO know what babies are when I saw them busy playing.  I simply had to have them pose for a picture.....just because!
