First 2 weeks of September 2013
Our academic journey
Since we school year round our lesson year doesn't necessarily end or begin at a certain time of the year. Mostly it depends on what is happening in our lives at any given time. Because as we all know - living is learning. That's why I like to create 36 week schedules because we can easily stay on top of what we are doing without really losing where we are at. When the current 36 weeks are complete we take a small breath and ease our way into the next 36 week schedule. That said, we are now in week 33 of Sonlight.
Tips or advice
Something I have learned from having a large family is learning to roll. I'm sure even if your family isn't as large as ours is you still know how to do that! The thing with me is is that it seems I am always rolling. Jumping up, rolling, and jumping up again. And on and on. With families, there is always something to roll with and the better us moms can do that the better. I kind of think it's "yoga for the mind" since your mind is constantly being stretched. How about you? Can you roll?
Our family has decided that we want to give pressure canning a try. I've canned tons of fruit, quick breads, and jam but never have used my pressure cooker. This fall, according to daddy we plan on canning 100 lbs of potatoes. On top of that we want to try canning chili, beans, and spaghetti sauce. The girls are going to jump back into drying some fruits and making fruit leather. Wish me luck.
I really enjoyed
Spending a day at the range with my girls. Attending the range often for practice and hands on learning has brought both confidence and increased ability in their training. I have listed what I believe are 5 of the most important rules to remember when handling them. These 5 "must be's" cannot be drilled home enough. Drill, drill, drill! My girls have experience in the use of firearms and each time we go I see their abilities and skills sharpen.
Teaching personal responsibility. The five most important "knows' for gun safety. |
We had a fun day trip to Madison to meet up with two of my sisters, a niece, and my mom! They were in Iowa visiting a sister and we decided to meet up halfway for lunch and to hang out for a few hours. It was a ton of fun!
Dad, mom, and 7 of our kiddos!
My niece Gaila and Kimmy. They haven't seen one another in like 10 years!
What mother is reading
Sometimes I actually surprise my self and pick up a book to read "just for fun" and this week I have been reading the Home to Hickory Hollow by Beverly Lewis.
What mother is thinking/wondering about
Planning a small getaway for our anniversary which is the 19th. Not sure what we will do yet but I can guarantee you that I am thinking/wondering about it! It's wonderful having an adult daughter in the home who is willing to take over for a couple of days. (Thanks Kim) Hopefully I'll figure something
out soon.
Favorite 'life with kids' moment
mommy/makenzie moment
out soon.
Favorite 'life with kids' moment
mommy/makenzie moment
I love having a prayer journal. Or in reality, it's a list I keep with me both on my phone and on paper with specifics on what and who to pray for. It helps so much to keep up with both my personal prayers and prayers for that of my loved ones. Key work - "specific" because when I feel like I am targeting something in general in my prayers it makes me feel a closeness to the Lord and I almost feel like I am more inspired this way! I will share though that I am directly praying for Pres. Obama. Because at this critical time he really, really, needs some inspiration from above. And I have to say that I almost pity him for being in the situation he is in. So thankful it isn't me!
What's cooking?
Lots of egg dishes. Mainly quiches. So easy and so good for you. The picture shows my 5 gallon bucket that I make my pancake mix in. I found writing the directions on the bucket makes for easy mixing for the kids. Waffles and pancakes are a favorite anytime of day around here. Leftover waffles are the best. Some of the kids will simply eat them like bread.
12 cups flour-I use whatever flour I have on hand and I usually triple the recipe. Buckwheat, wheat, spelt, unbleached white flour, cornmeal and rice are my usual choices.
2 T. salt
3/4 cup baking powder
3/4 cup sugar
4 cups powdered milk-I do not use this. Instead I use milk in replacement for the liquid which would be one cup.
Mix all ingredients together well and store in airtight container. Use recipe below to mix.
Simple highlight of my weeks
Mary and I found this hoodie at the thrift store. To many, DUKE has no meaning but to my daughter Kim who recently lost her dog Duke it means a lot. She was so excited with my find!
So very thankful for some friends who invited us to come pick up some felled trees from a storm. They also allowed us to cut down some others as well. Our woodshed is nearly finished and it's only September. We had an OOPS moment this week. One of the trees we were cutting down ended up landing on our truck! THAT was a complete bummer! Damage wasn't too bad but still it hurts!
Fun photos to share
Our last time at the lake for the year. At least for swimming!
Drinking the colors of the rainbow. Isn't it pretty? For this recipe I juiced beets, carrots, apples, cucumbers, lemons, pears, ginger, and spinach. A tip - adding lemons is key in being able to enjoy this mixture. Otherwise, when juicing beets one gets the idea you are eating dirt! The lemons mask it well.
The juice looks really cool. But I think I'd be afraid of drinking it!
It's back to school time here too. We only did a smidgen of reading over the summer but full force now.
Love reading about your days.
Haha - yes we "roll" but sometimes it feels as though *I* am being "rolled" upon :-)
We are canning too! Chicken Stock/Applesauce (if I can keep it that long!) spaghetti sauce. Yum!
Next up is apples and pears!
Love the range practice. We need more of that too. I agree, you can never practice enough. So good that you are teaching your girls to be responsible.
Beet juice - very pretty!
I like to journal too. My favorite way to record prayers and think on scripture.
I love it when the Lord provides (wood) and how everyone in the family sees HIS provision.
Happy Fall (almost) :-)
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