29 July 2011

Four blessed birthdays

In just a few weeks time we have 4 fabulous kids who are celebrating their birthdays. For 3 of them I am a bit late, (okay, a lot late according to one child!!)and for one of them, I am early in making the post!! Let me just say how thankful I am for these children and I want them to know just how much they each bless my life just by me knowing them and having the joy of spending time with them everyday. You are very much loved Christie, Gregg, Aaron, and Janai. (In order of their birthdays)

Christie June 23

Aaron July 26 and Gregg July 5

Janai August 6


Anonymous said...

I wish everyone a Happy Birthday. Do you have any fun things planned to do with your children for their birthday?

Hopes Handcrafts said...

Happy Birthday to all your beautiful children! do you do anything special?

Unknown said...

We've been doing the same thing for years. We celebrate with our whole family; then we take the birthday child out to dinner with mom and dad. They get to choose the restaurant and their birthday cake!!

The Mayo Family said...

A very "Happy birthday" To "ALL".
We will pray for all to have had, have & will have a very blessed...
"BIRTHDAY"! Such beautiful children...
(okay & handsome!) I am learning as my son is getting older...Ha!
Momma you know what I mean! :)
You are blessed~
Have a wonderful weekend (stay cool)

The Pauls' Family said...

Happy Birthday to all! I forgot you had a busy July with birthdays too....we only have 3 though!

Shonni said...

I am new to your blog and wanted to say “hello”. I am the blessed moma of 11 (soon to be 13). 8 of our children are home through the blessing of adoption. Our newest two children are waiting in China to come home.
I love your birthday idea here.

Becca said...

Happy Birthday! And I just want to go on record as saying that of all your kids, I think Gregg is the only one that kinda' has his "own look" -- all the others seem to have come from the same mold -- but Gregg just looks a little different. :) (Gregg is the younger brother, right?)
