From the Power of Littles
Great events we often find,
On little things depend.
And very small beginnings
Have oft a mighty end...
Our life is made entirely
Of moments multiplied,
As little streamlets, joining.
Form the ocean's tide.~Author unknown
It is in the small moments that we teach our children. My little girls love a tea party. Either outside on a soft blanket or inside using a white table cloth linen. They are quite simple, juice served in a fancy glass pitcher, thrift store china cups and saucers, cookies and small candies...just a time set aside to sit and enjoy each other's company. We don't do it often enough but the times we do are special and treasured!! Try it sometime with your little ones and watch the excitement as everyday life turns into something special.
When our 2nd daughter turned about 16 we began the tradition of setting up a hope chest for them. We enjoy searching together for the necessary items to place in them. It's fun and exciting to do this with our daughters and I look forward to doing it several more times in the future!

"A Hope Chest is much more than a wooden box and the treasures hidden within it's depths... The Hope Chest contains the love, hope and dreams parents have for their daughter. This is shown in a very special and physical way with each item the parent has searched for, considered, and either accepted or declined. It is not the money that goes into the acquisition of a Hope Chest that will make it special, but the love, time and effort of a parent for their child..." Rebekah Wilson
Here are some of our favorite books on Tea Parties and Hope Chests
The Hope Chest by Rebekah Wilson
Grandmother's Hope Chest by Rebekah Wilson
Just Mom and me Having a Tea Party by Mary Murray
Tea for Two by Brownlow Publishing
Dear Tricia,
This is so sweet. Yes, we have done a tea party for a "school" project while studying the "Civil War Era", we involved "all" the family (for this one) as even "Felicity's Father" has tea (right)? So, our son who is 14 was one of the servers...it was such a special time for everyone and we did enjoy it so much....however the girls decided that at the next one we shall have it be a "Ladies Tea" ;)
(just because) Wink-Wink! Any way this is so sweet and it is a good reminder to have another one; as I am learning how quickly time is passing us by & the children are growing too fast for this Momma! (sniff) The days march by...as for the hope chest, this as well is a wonderful thing!
You have a sweet family! We have been blessed-thank you!
What fun. I used to have tea parties when I was little.
I love the picture of the cottage and the colors on your blog are lovely!
Tea parties and hope chests are wonderful!
Mrs. White
We don't have nearly enough tea parties around here either and I know I cherish those sweet memories when we have them...thank you for this special reminder today. I will make it a point to plan a tea party this week with my little girls :-)
We love Rebekah Wilson. She has so many wonderful products on her Hope Chest site that we enjoy here in our home.
Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed week!!
I do miss little girls' tea parties! Maybe one day I will have a little grand daughter to enjoy that with.
Your hope chests are lovely. With so many girls, this will become a speicality with you.
Have a good week in your part of the world.
Great post! We enjoy tea quite a bit and are also building their hope chests.
Hi Tricia,
I am planning on having a little girls' tea party with my daughter...very soon.
I have never heard of Hope Chests before - what do you put into them?
Have a wonderful week,
Love and blessings, Jillian ♥
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