29 January 2009

I Get Daddy's Spot

As is always the case when daddy is on night shift the little girls want to sleep in our room. I sent them on their way to make a bed on the floor while I had some quiet time. (yea right!) So, when I finally was ready to crawl in bed I came into my room to find them all snoozing in MY bed. Question~~How do you move 5 sleeping girls AND keep them asleep all at the same time. Solution~~

First secure the bedding on the floor next to mama and papa's bed, then gently and delicately grab them by the feet and pull them feet first down the side of the bed and onto the floor!! Wish I could sleep through such restructuring!!
However, the risk was too great to even try with the two youngest ones. So they got to stay put and spend the whole night snuggled next to mom!!


Heather said...

That is too cute!

Jaime said...

They are all beautiful little angels. My daughter Lindsey and all 4 dogs sleep in bed with me too when Patrick is at work. Love the pictures.

Karies place said...

Ahh that is like my littlest one. Almost 3 out of 7 nights she tries to sleep in my bed. :)

Jennifer Perkins said...

That's so precious!

love, Jen (from Connie's group)
