09 July 2013

Thinking out loud-what I pray for my children

As a mom it is only natural to think and pray for my children.  I have recently been thinking and pondering on all the areas of prayer that I would want my children to be shielded with everyday. The following are what I have come up so far and would love to hear from others who have reached down into their hearts for words of prayers that would send protection over our children.

That they will have the desire to receive the Lord and come to know the Him personally. -(John 1:12-13)
That they desire righteousness and shun evil. (Psalm 98:10 and Amos 5:15)
That they will humble themselves before the Lord.  (1 Peter 5:5-6)
That they will always be honest and seek after truth. (Proverbs 12:22)
That their hearts will be soft in order to hear and obey the Lord in all things. (1 Samuel  3:10)
That they will stand mind, body, and spirit spotless, pure, and blameless before the Lord.  (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
That the children who are not married yet that the Lord will prepare for them a godly spouse who will commit to a godly marriage for all eternity.  (2nd Corinthians 6:14-18)
That they will love to read the scriptures everyday, meditate and pray on them that they may find direction and guidance through them.  (Psalm 119)
That no matter what happens in life they will always be strong and that their faith will never fail them.  (Luke 22-32)
That they will watch and keep their hearts always from evil.  (John 17:15-16)
That they will love prayer and commit to daily prayer.  (Psalm 55:17)
That they will stand strong in the face of temptation  and no matter what, never compromise their faith.  (1 Peter 5:8-9)
That they will always let their light shine to influence those around them for good.  (Matthew 5:16)
That they will have complete discernment to always know good from evil in all circumstances in life.  (Isaiah 59:14-15)
That they will seed the Lord with all their hearts.  (Psalm 27:8)
That they will always attend church and worship with God's people.  (Hebrews 10:25)
That they will hate evil, never give in to the desires of the flesh, nor the pride that can it's way into our hearts.  (1 John 2:15-17)
That they will be filled with the Holy Spirit at all times.  (Acts 2:16-18)
That they will keep themselves pure and clean for their future spouse.  Mind, body, and soul.  (Romans 6:12-13)
That they will desire children and created a godly home for them.  (Psalm 127 and 128)
And especially.....
That they will love the Lord with their heart, soul, mind, and strength and serve Him always.  (Mark 12:30)
And that the Lord will watch over each of them and protect them from danger, sickness, harm, accident, and from all the attacks from the adversary physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  (Psalm 91)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Wow! Do you have a file of that somewhere that you could send me! I'd LOVE to spend some time with the Lord with these Scriptures! THANKS for sharing!!
