Yesterday, October 27th. was son in law Kelly's 28th birthday. Here
he is dressed in his favorite outfit and very much enjoying it I might say. Oh
wait, this isn't Kelly. It's his handsome son Beckham, posing as Kelly
when he
dresses up for a night out on the town!

Sometimes though he doesn't even "dress" to hit the town at all!! Kelly had
to take off his shirt to bring some white light to the dark night after losing
to a game of basketball to my 2 boys. Hey, a deal's a deal. That'll teach him!!
Apparently, he didn't learn the first time. Here he is losing again!!
In all seriousness though. Kelly is one AWESOME guy. If you're going to
have an 'in law' then you would want him. We love him lots and he sure makes
our Juli happy!! Not to mention a great dad to Aubryn and Beckham.
Happy Birthday Kelly!! We love you lots!!

Haha! I'm in class right now. I'll have to show this to him after the trunk or treat tonight!
Well that was nice of you! I think that the boys probably had a had in that post. I appreciate all of the kind words and as for wearing dresses, well that is nothing new now a days so I thought I would fit right in. Besides pink is my best color.
Kelly, you're a total crack head!!
Cute family. So much fun you all are!!!! Love it.
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