Things not to be repeated in 2011!
1. Making it all the way to church and getting seated before noticing my son had stapled the rip in his white church shirt instead of getting it sewn. And the rip was right up front near the collar for all to see!
2. Double check before leaving home that your young daughter has on her panties under her dress. Otherwise, when she decides to do some somersaulting while in public you will find she isn't completely modest.
3. When your son finds a rip in his dress pants, have him tell you so it can fixed. Otherwise he might just use duct tape to fix them and then wear them out in public at a formal event.
4. Don't let too many things get in the way of taking the time to inspect your children's dress before leaving for church. You may find you have a son who from the waist up looks very respectable, with his white shirt and tie, but below the waist is a black pair of baggy sweat pants and a pair of black, shiny dress shoes. (he thought they would work since they were black and he couldn't find his pants.) At least his shirt was tucked in.
5. At times we have 2 cars at church if someone has to stay later. I will no longer assume a child will be coming in the 2nd car with daddy (even when I'm told they are) without first making sure. Otherwise, it would be way too easy to leave one standing on the steps alone while I begin driving off without her!
Comments received this year worth sharing (and laughing over)
- "A woman asked me if I had ever heard of Family Planning." (planned parenthood I presume) My answer, "Oh certainly I've heard of it! We planned a family and now we're having it." (Is that being sassy?)
- "Is number 13 on the way yet?"
- "Are they all yours? Like one father, one mother kind of thing!" (seriously?)
- "You must homeschool." Why I ask, do you say that? "Because your son has a nice, short haircut and he is polite."
- Upon arriving at my husband's open house at work we were announced; "The Vance Smith family has arrived, hmm, aren't you missing a few people?" My son-in-law Kelly; eyeing our large group promptly answered, "Oh, you know you're right, where's the other 20?
- After visiting the doc for my boys' scouting physical I was told they were both fine and did I have any questions. Before I could speak, he said, "Oh wait, maybe I should be asking you the questions."
- "That's a lot of babies? Do your older ones have jobs to help? Does it get easier and easier to birth them the more you have?" (Of course it gets easier, I barely feel anything, the 'older' ones have the job of birthing the babies for me!)
- "I only have 2 kids and they drive me crazy." (Yeah, well, your kids would me crazy too!)
- "Mom, why do we always have to dress the same when we go out?" Two reasons... 1. So I don't lose you in the crowd, and 2. So I don't accidentally take home any kids that aren't mine!
- "Do you all eat at the same time, or do you eat in shifts?"
Logistics for the year, just for fun!
I think I heard the word mom about 10,000 times
I heard "I love you" almost as many times
Had over 100 dates with my husband
Had and or gave thousands of hugs
celebrated 20 birthdays
over 25 little handfuls of flower/weed bouquets
kissed over 100 boo boos-could be more! (let's not mention the number of band aids)
read aloud to my children over 300 hours
executed 100's of braids, pony tails, and up do's!
graded over hundred spelling/math tests between all the children
over 3000 miles of running was logged between daddy and the boys
mom logged over 300 hours of exercise
925 gallons milk-give or take
650 dozen eggs
1500 loads of laundry-give or take (probably take)
ran my dishwasher around 750 times
baked over 100 batches of bread
ground over 300 pounds wheat
popped over 300 large bowls of popcorn
served over 500 pounds of potatoes
consumed about 750 lbs of bananas. Banana smoothie addicts live at my house. Plus our family eats them all day long.
used about 750 rolls tissue paper, one roll a day per bathroom. (It's a girl thing)
at least 365 pounds of butter
peanut butter and jam:we won't even go there!
And the very best of the best New Year's goals...
"Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious." 1 Peter: 1-2
this is a great post! LOVED it!!!! the best was the point #3, with dress no undies, yap our little darling does that too!!!!
What a fun post! Thanks for taking the time, effort and energy to share! :o) I laughed, was humbled and walk away blessed!
Now that's funny!! Thanks for the New Year laugh :-)
Haha! Wow! I feel as if I'm reading my life! I can totally relate!!! Great post! I have been to church on a number of occasions with children who didn't have their shoes or just had on one shoe! I was laughing when I read the one about your son and the sweat pants! Classic! :)
Great post, Tricia!
Have a wonderful year in 2011. I am sure, absolutely sure, that it will be every bit as exciting, eventful and humorous as last year.
Love that verse from 1 Peter...
you are very blessed indeed.
Your son that wore the sweatpants sounds very much like my Matt! Clothes so don't matter to him and he could care less about what he is wearing!
This is a great post. I love the logistics most of all. Amazing stuff. I've almost left a little one behind too. She was with her grandma and I wasn't told of it. It happens.
It does happen. I should have been more specific about the details. So I decided to edit it since it wasn't really like I was actually forgetting my child!!! I was under the impression she was staying with daddy and would be coming home with him. I've learned not to assume too many things when it comes to kids!
I only have 5 kids and I can relate to some of this. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
I love this post. I just found your blog and I look forward to getting to know you better.
Great post! Wishing you many blessings for the New Year :)
Wonderful. I enjoyed reading this post. I love the verse you chose. Great thoughts for a New Year.
LOVED this post! Thanks for sharing...and the smiles :0)
Oh well we've gotten to church only to find out that one child has NO shoes..another time one was wearing a hat and when we told him he had to take it off - found out he had gum PLASTERED to the back of his head! Never dull! :)
Mrs. Mommy,
Tee hee. I enjoyed reading your list. I particularly liked your "sassy answer" in regards to the planned parenthood remark, ha! Brillant! :)
-Lady Rose
hey! it actually let me leave a comment! I have tried so many times before and it has never been set up this way. i was just wondering what bible you use because your verses are slightly different than the king james? your year sounds expensive!
This was so funny. I think any large family can relate to these...and I only have half as many kids. I've heard so many of those comments myself. Some of my kids are dark like my husband and some are light like me, so I was often asked if I did daycare when I was out with all of them.
Your sassy answer is nicer than mine. I borrowed the Boyer's "Yes they're all ours, yes we know what causes it" line, but added a bit more.
Thanks for sharing.
LOL! I was just taking a little time to catch up on your blog, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!! Too funny :)
LOVED reading this, Tricia! Especially the comments that other people made -- and YOUR remarks back to them! Did you REALLY say those things or just think them?
What an amazing post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one, for sure!!! I could relate to all of those comments and the little things that happen when trying to get everyone decently dressed for church or a semi-formal occasion!!! And yes, we have left one at church before. We also left one at home many years ago. We had just moved to a house with a basement and the little 6 year old fellow was down in the basement when we left for church. We realized he was missing about ten minutes into the ride. i called and he answered the phone so perfectly, "Ours Residence, Joseph speaking." but when he heard my voice he burst into tears! I kept him on the line the whole time until we pulled back into the driveway and picked him up. Poor little fellow was showered with hugs and kisses!! :) anyway, I didn't meant to write a post of my own in your comments! LOL! Thanks for this endearing post!
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