When a child is sick and wants to cuddle with mom,when will I learn to keep a towel between us? But it wasn't the first time and probably won't be the last when a child shares their last eaten meal with me. I can't count the number of times I've found myself running to the shower to rid my hair, face, ears, neck, every part of me of their little "accidents!!" But now we both are bathed, and hopefully at least one of us is feeling better!! I think that would be Mary since she quickly fell asleep. As for me, well, the taste is still in my mouth and I've completely lost my appetite!!

Oh icky. I know how that is!!! throw up is the worst!!!! Keep us posted on baby Vance.
OH! I know OH so WELL what you mean; we have large families, you'd think we'd LEARN. Nope.
I hope the rest of you are spared :)
Poor sweet darling!
Mums are so precious. We do what we hafta do! Not saying we love it, mind you.
Oh no! I hope Mary is feeling better soon and I hope you are too:)
I hope she is feeling better soon!
Yes, I told a friend of mine once you know your a mom when you have had vomit in your hair, and inside your shirt and it didn't make you vomit!
That's one thing I don't do well, throw up :-p Now I am entirely grossed out, thank you :-)
Hope little ones are feeling better soon and you don't get it :-0
Is there any update with Baby Vance?
My kids think I have an abnormal fear of the stomach flu. It's just that I know that when it hits our home, it isn't just one person that gets it, and two bathrooms just don't seem like enough at that time. I think this is something we don't seem to remember well though. Kind of like childbirth pain :-)
oh, poor baby! i remember those days. we had
one little one who ran when she got sick. the
entire house would be 'affected' by her tummy
you have the most beautiful children! thank
you for beautifying our world. :)
Oh, poor Mama! Poor Mary! I hope my precious little Mary is feeling better now! She is just so adorable!!! And of course, I've been there, done that too! We survive the yuckiest stuff! (And to thinnk as a teen girl I was too squeamish to mix meatloaf with my hands!!!!!) ;)
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