From blogging land that is!! But only for a couple of weeks. The month of September is full of joyful happenings and I don't want to get too "blogged down!" I do hope to be able to pop in and out to keep up with you all and what is going on in your lives. As for us, this is what our month looks like:
On Saturday last we got a phone call from our married daughter Juli and she is coming from Texas for an impromptu visit. We are all so excited to see our 2 oldest grandkids Aubryn, 5 and Beckham 3. And Juli and Kelly only add to the treat. She will be leaving next week and then my mother is visiting for a week. Thankfully, we worked it all out for the visits to overlap since my mom has never seen her newest great grandkids!

Then at the end of my mom's visit Grandpa Vance Smith (CEO of Freedom First Society) is coming to give a mini-conference on Reclaiming America! After he goes back home my husband will be flying to
Arizona to spend the week with our son Vance as our littlest grandlove Baby Vance will be having open heart surgery. So right now our family is busy with all that entails when there is are going to be visitors coming and going for the next couple of weeks. I will miss everyone and pray you all will have the Lord's choicest blessings upon you.
Enjoy your break, and please know I am praying for baby Vance!
That is a great reason to take a break. Have a wonderful time with these precious family members. May everyone travel safe. Special thoughts and prayers for baby Vance.
Enjoy the break and your family!
Hope everything goes well!
Mrs. White
Will keep the little one in my prayers and thoughts. I totally understand with the blogging. I've been AWOL also with the move and everything else.
Take care,
Chris xoxo
Wow, sounds like a busy but wonderful few weeks...I will be praying for sweet baby Vance and for the doctors who will be performing the surgery ♥ ♥ ♥
What a fun filled month. Well a busy one too~
I love visitors and even better when they are older children and grand-dumplings :-)
Have a grand time~ Cinnamon
I finally have a minute to come over and visit and you are going on a blog vacation!! But the reason why is so good!!! Grandbabies and Mommys - the best!!! I will be praying for baby Vance and the doctors and his family!!!! Have a wonderful bloggy break!!
P.S. I had great fun going back to see what I've missed on your blog - it's been a while!
Enjoy your blog vacation, time with family will be a blessing for you. I will pray for baby Vance.
What a wonderful/beautiful family. I really enjoyed "catching up" on your posts. Miss you guys....and especially those cute girls!
I hope you are enjoying your blogging break... please keep us informed how little Baby Vance is doing! Prayers and hugs...
I haven't been by in awhile! I'm not too disappointed that you are taking a blogging break, as I hope that will give me a chance to get caught up over here!!! I don't want to miss a single post! Sounds like you will be having a wonderful month!!! BTW, I Loved the pun about getting blogged down! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :) Your family is LOVELY!! I peek in here once in awhile via Pam @ The Passionate Homeschooler!
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