My husband just called to tell me that after about 5 hours of surgery our little guy is nearly finished. The doctors told them things went well and that they had worked on him a bit more than was expected. We will know more in a bit when the doctors come and talk with our family. Right now they are closing him up and family should be able to see him in a couple hours. We are praying prayers of thanksgiving and look forward to seeing this precious guy getting back to normal. Thanks all for your sweet comments and many prayers.
Praise God things are going well! I am sure it has been a rough day for you all! Praying for a awesome finish and recovery for the surgery.
Prayers here too. I am just out of bed our time and very pleased to read this now! Thinking of you all, and Vance and all them medical staff. Lord give wisdom, knowledge, patience and healing.
So thankful to hear the optimistic update! I'll continue to keep him and all you family in my prayers as I am sure recovery is a whole different animal.
Praying for all of you.
Continuing our prayers and I'm praising the Father for the update.
Aw, even with all the tubes he looks so peaceful. Will keep Baby Vance (and the family) in my prayers. God is good.
He looks really good for just being out of surgery.
Wrapping him in prayers tonight~ Cinnamon
Oh wow..what a precious little one. I am so glad the surgery went well and I pray for a full recovery on this little guy.
My daughter said she just wants to swoop him up and snuggle him - as do I!! I'm sure his mama can't wait to get her hands on him and love him up!!! We're praying for a good recovery and full healing!!!
Oh, that picture just brings tears to my eyes. We are praying for a quick recovery! What a blessing that little boy is! ♥
Awe---so glad to know he is out of surgery.
We will continue to pray.
How are Momma & Daddy & Grandpa doing there!
Blessings & prayers~
Oh Trish, I'm so glad.Prayers still heading your way :)
Praise God!! Glad things are going well, still praying that things continue down this positive path!! :)
That little man sure did great thanks to all the doctors and his amazing mother. As her mother I am so glad that her father and I could be there by her side as they brought him out of surgery. There is nothing in this world that could have kept me from being there with her. She is amazing and her two children are blessed to have her.
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